Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Guide - ''Top 7 methods to cheat in tests/exams.''

Here I will show you some ideas that have helped me in my lifetime, if I did not study well for my tests or exams. Here are my methods from 7th to 1st:

#7 - Pencil-Case Cheating Method

When you are in elementary school or secondary school, one of the methods is Pencil-Case method.
You have stick paper or better write inside Pencil-Case your math formulas or whatever you like, so you can cheat. When you forgot formula(if you are cheating in math) just take a pencil or something other that belongs to Pencil-Case and at the same time peak in your cab. Or just write on your Pencil-Case, like it is shown in the picture to the right(you can enlarge it). This is good method, but I once was caught, by one nutshell teacher. But this method worked for me 10-15 times.

My Rating - 7/10

#6 - Corrector Cheating Method

This works really great that you have more than one white paper on your desk when you write your test or exam.
You have to write with your corrector on white paper your text from which you are willing to cheat. When test of exam starts, just put your paper on the desk and the teacher or examiner won’t notice a thing. I did not used this system, but my friend did, for him it worked as a charm.

My Rating - 7/10

#5 - Audio player(MP3) Cheating Method

This works great when you have small and unnoticeable earphones.
You will have to record your text in MP3 player from which you are willing to cheat. When test or exam starts just put your earphone in your ear and listen to your recording. Used this method often, never teacher noticed when I was cheating. Used this method 7-10 times.

Suggestion - put your audio player on repeat, so if you did not hear something you could hear it again without searching your pockets for your audio player. Also I recommend to make short sentences in your audio player.

My Rating - 7,5/10

#4 Watter Bottle Cheating Method

This is the one of the best methods, because this method also works for exams, at least my friend successfully used it for his exam.
You must write on the other side of bottles tag your formulas(like shown in the picture) or text and after you done this you must stick back tag in its early position. When the exam or test starts, read the text or formulas through the water if you are in need for them.
I never did use this method, but my friends did and it works great. It has received from me such high rating because you can surely use this method in exams. Because in most of the cases you can take your water bottle with you, when you have exam.

Suggestion - write with same color pen or pencil, that is the water bottle. If water bottle is blue, then better use blue pen.

My Rating - 7,7/10

#3 Teachers Editions Book Cheating Method

This is great method to get high grade in your test. All you have to do is buy the book and accomplish its tasks. Of course you have to earlier know what is the subject and which book teacher uses of he’s or her tests. If you know than book then high grade is guaranteed. You just need to study these tasks and you will get great mark. Of course there is possibility that teacher will change the test or write his or her own test. But if you will study the teachers edition book you will be passing the test by for 99% sure. We used this method in math and language studies and we always had good marks.

My Rating - 8/10

#2 Electronic Device Cheating Method

I am using this method for almost all my math tests. All you have to do is to take photo by your phone(best case) or write down text in it. Best excuse is that you don’t have a calculator with you and you use phone as your way to cheat. If you are using your phone you can also send message to your classmate at the test time(don’t forget to shut-off the sound :)). If you can't use phone then buy expensive calculator, in which you can save text inside of it. As I earlier mentioned I use it for most of my tests and it works excellent.

P.S My new phone to the right. :)

My Rating - 8,8/10

#1 Printed Paper With Ultra Small Font Cheating Method

This is the best method that usually works always even if you are not so good at cheating. Write your text in Word(Or any other text editor) and change font size from 2-5(so small till you can read the text). Make the text look like square. Then print it out and with your scissors cut out the rest of the paper off. And there you go, you have now ultra small text in your hands, only other person will see it if they have hawk eyes and they are looking all the time at the spot where your ultra small paper is. For me this method worked more with 20 times and teacher did not even suspect me. Once I putted in 3x3cm paper whole page of book inside.

My Rating 9/10

I hope that this guide will be useful for you. Good luck at your tests or exams. Don’t forget to know what you are doing. :)

This could be also usefull for you, big list on wikiHow, click here.

If you like this guide please digg it here.

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me, my email is to the right.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Guide - ''How to always beat bookies''

Many gamblers question themselves: ''Is there a way to beat bookies?''
Well I know how to beat them. Actually the idea as itself is quite simple. First of all you need to have a lot of cash, I would say at least 10.000$, yes that is too much for some people I agree, that is even too much for me. But I just want to share the idea, because I was once a gambler, was playing on sports betting and lost big time, gambling, not using any tactic. This what I will show you is called sports arbitrage, or just arbing.

Here is the idea:

Imagine that there is an basketball game. Imagine one bookie(imagine*) is thinking that team A will win, they placed 1.6 odd on team A that they will win and 2.5 that they will lose to team B.
Other bookie(imagine*) thinks that those teams are equal and placed 1.9 odd on both team A and team B. Remember there is no draw in basketball. So it is two sided bet.

Here is the deal. You want to get back from bookies 1000$. You have to place bets on the highest two odds, one bet per bookie. What you do - you place in 400$ on team B Win and in bookie 536$ on team A win. So basically you are putting 936$ at stake, but you will get guaranteed 1000$ back. So this means that in any outcome you will be getting in return 64$ more than you staked!

Here is how did I managed to calculate the stakes that I have to place on each team with highest odds.

1000$(the money you want to get back)/2.5(Odd from, the highest odd on team B from two bookies)=400$
1000$(the money you want to get back)/1.9(Odd from bet24, the highest odd on team A from two bookies)=536$

So if you want to be always a winner, then take the money that you want to win, that is 1000$ in this case and take from it the money you have to place to win that sum. That is simple arithmetic 1000-936=64, the number at the end is money witch you will get in any outcome, in this case .

This is called arbing.

Did you get it where is the hidden gold? If no than read again or get familiar with what is bookmaker, you can do it here(Wikipedia and Google are your best friends if you have not noticed).

How to start arbing:
1) Have a lots of cash, as I earlier mentioned;
2) Register in 30 bookie sites, because arbs ar not so often;
3) Download a program, that will find arbs(bets with big difference in odds to your favor) for you.

My suggestion - do good study before doing this, use Google and search with keyword ''sports arbitrage'' and find there forums, sites and programs, with help of Google.

This tactic hasn’t been revealed to the public, because people who already arb don’t want other people to know, because if there is more arbers, then it is harder to arb for them, that is what they think.

* Those both bookmakers that I mentioned suck! I am talking about and, they have the lowest odds from all, I mentioned them because they are one of the most popular bookies, but still worst. The only bookie that I can suggest you is BetFair, best odds and they even give you nice bonus for registering, very often used site for arbing.

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Free guide - ''Top 7 ways to promote your site or blog for free.''

Hi my name is Richard, I have been blogging for three years with good success, so I decided to share my knowledge with you, I hope that you will appreciate it. Here are the main factors to take your site or blog to the top without using a cent:

1) First of all to start with is to have a good content, so other people would love to read or interfere with your site or blog. Content is the main reason why people come to your site or blog, the more qualitative is the content, the more people will come to your site or blog and they will return and stay longer. It is like when you invite guests at your house, the better you will treat them, the more often they will want to come back to you.

2) Be friendly to other users and webmasters. Treat other people as you want them to treat you, or at least make them think that you care about them. :)

3) Co-oparate with other webmasters, exchange links with them. I suggest to contact them and ask if they will like to exchange links or banners with you, also try to find person with same niche when you exchange links with him. This way you will boost your traffic, your Google pagerank(see here if you don’t know what it is), with better pagerank you will be higher in Google search also your website will be higher ranked in alexa. If you want to know more read here.

4) Register in techorati. There you will find more blogs and sites with same niche as yours so you could communicate with other webmasters and learn from them, how to improve your site or blog.

5) Register in youtube or other video sharing sites and create your channel so you could promote your blog or site. From there will come lots of traffic, depending mostly also on your content that you show there.

6) Place your banner or link to your blog or site in forums, this also produces traffic to your blog or site. I suggest to make good banner and put the code in your signature, make your banner look like an eye candy. Remember, the more you will post in the forums the more people will see your banner or link.

7) Communicate with other people in the web, sometimes mention your blog or site. Good way is through yahoo answers. DONT Spam, the more you will spam, the cheaper your blog or site will look.

If you will follow all these 7 suggestions, your site will reach great heights, without you investing a cent to promote your blog site.

Remember - the more you will work on your blog, the higher you will get!

I hope these free methods are useful to you, if you have any questions or suggestions you are welcome to contact me.

topguidance(-at-)gmail(-dot-)com, of course in (-at-) place @ and in (-dot-) place .